As the first of its kind, Blaster Craze could draw little experience from traditional FPS game, even VR FPS game. A lot of challenges were unique to MR:
1. How to design the avatar when you can see the real person and hologram, and accomdate the unreliability of the network and tracking;
2. How to make sure that players can get the sense of all the important information regarding the game without occupying too much field of view;
3. How to spawn the powerups so that everyone is aware of it;
4. How to design the environment to encourage the movement of players;
5. Players complain about not knowing which side the power up is;
6. .......

The result was an energezing, competitive shooter which is also a great workout for the body.
After the acquisition, Blaster Craze is currently under further development in a dedicated team in Netease.

©2020  Zhixiong Lu